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06 maj 2013

Rader som följt med

Någonting om min syster skrev på FB om en sångtextrad som följt med och gått att leva på satte igång min hjärna.

Och jag mindes några av alla de rader som fastnat och hängt med och fört vidare.

Nu menade hon väl någonting ännu mera och kanske en smula livsvisare, men i alla fall; några av de här raderna, och andra som jag inte just nu mindes, har förvissa haft en stödjande och bärande kraft av ungefär samma vis, om än kanske inte lika länge.

Desperation sits just like a friend upon the floor
Domani e un altro giorno – chi lo sa?
We must touch each other in our blindness I heard the seagull say
I know sometning now of many things and just enough of nothing
I know just what you´ll say to me – I´m the one who wrote that line
Just junk all across the horizon
I sit here now by the banks of the Rhine, dipping my feet in the cold stream of time
Time, time, we hardly even knew you
Oh, could that still be really you, is there anything time cant do?
And I think you´re playing it far to rough for a lady who´s been to the moon
Remember me, remember me, but ah, forget my fate!
My god, the spiders are everywhere
Orchids, smell of sweet perfum, the mountainside is now in bloom –
The party must be over for even the losers are leaving
So when I´ve got something to say sir i´m going to say it now
There is a time for every belief which I have
Oh I never thought I´d hear these words from you
It takes such a long long time for trees like that to grow, some people they dont never ever learn
I´d give what´s left of the skies to watch you smile, just once,  but once for real
All is not so black today, doesn't matter anyway, the only thing I seem to say is ”well”
Everything I did was wrong to someone
I chose the rooms that I live in with care: the windows are small and the walls almost bare
With the speed of insanity then, he dies
Dont be concerned, it will not harm you, it´s only me pursuing something I´m not sure of
Someone should have shown you all the colours between black and white
With daffodils between my toes I´m laughing at the wind
I dont know where we went wrong but the feeling´s gone and I just can't get it back

And Mandi and I stood and stared at the overcast sky

(att fortsättas senare)

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